Thursday, November 6, 2014

Sorry about the Hiatus... And another upDate

First off, BIG shout-out to my readers in the Phillipines! Thanks so much for the support!

I apologize for not writing so often. I know people have been asking, so I'll just tell you what's been going on. I've been dealing with midterms and promoting the book on wattpad.

Don't know what Wattpad is? It's here, at least my profile:

It's a story posting site for aspiring writers/ people with writing as a hobby. One of my short stories is in the running for their annual awards, called the Wattys. The story is called Black and White, and I would really appreciate if you read and reviewed/shared it with #Wattys2014. I know that sounds like I'm being slightly desperate, but I just want you guys to see if it's good.

It's been slowly gaining reviews, but since you guys are good critics, I thought you would want to see it.
Also, some other stories have been started on the site, including Second to the Right and the world premiere of my next big project! Check it out when you have the chance and hope to bring you big news sometime soon.

So here's what's going on with the book:

-Not even ready for editing yet- needs another read-through

-@ 67000 words and plateauing- going higher and lower but expected to stay at that range.

-More scenes added and removed to make more sense for characters.

-More chapters added to alleviate huge number of pages per chapter.

Finally, a new query letter has been made, and it sounds great!

Can't wait to hear what you think and SEE YOU IN THE SUNLIGHT!!


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