Right after Descend, Katrina admits herself into a mental institution. With the help of new love, some truly selfless people, and her own mind, she slowly pulls herself back together to become even stronger than before. She grows mentally, physically, psychologically and spiritually, praying for the first time in a while. She comes home a changed woman, now more than Interceptor or Stingray- she's Katrina Gevra, and she'll do whatever the hell she wants.
She quits the force, brings out her old turntable and starts making beats that gain traction using her Snapout! account, which she never thought to do. After making waves in the DJ world, now known as DJ Stingray, she joins other DJ's in small parties across the world, making enough to live in a tiny apartment uptown.
Then, while working a house party downtown, the city is rocked by an attack on the TL Arena, where Echo Riley had been performing. Katy rushes there and using only her superhero gloves, brings a few girls to safety amidst the chaos. While the night rushes by, she sees the horrors of war all over again. This time, she doesn't cower, nor boil her blood; she looks out to the distance, wondering who could do this, before some fellow officers escort her away.
Soon, a new breed of vigilantes rise from the ashes. Led by a woman named Magna-Girl, an assortment of heroes hunt down the perpetrators of the attack, asking to recruit Katy. She joins in on the fight, with her acumen of the different police districts and detective skills she learned from Zulema, as well as the calm mind of a freshly reborn person.
It's up to all of them to save New Amsterdam. Some things never change, just the people like Katrina Gevra.
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