Hey y'all,
So this was my thought process recently:
Yes! Now I can FINALLY get back into writing. After a pretty hectic finals week, with barely any time to write it, now I can get back to editing the wonderful...uh, oh.
That's where I'm up to at this point- realizing the huge mistakes in the manuscript and methodically fixing them.
I realized that there were parts that I didn't even embellish on. I had glanced over huge opportunities to expand the story with more characters and to help carry David's story along. So now I'm not only busy beautifying the content, but adding whole new scenes, breaking up the chapters, and putting as much description as possible.
So let's consider this phase the "unexpected expansion". I like the sound of that- it's got a nice ring to it.
On the bright side, the book is, so far:
-Pushing 60,000 words... wait, scratch that- 63,000 WORDS!!! (whaat?!?)
-15 Chapters,
-and 250 pages! Crazy, no?
I hope it's normal to have this, or if any of you have had this issue too.
Let me know if you've ever had one of these and how it affected the book as a whole.
Meanwhile, I just started getting back feedback from one publishing house in particular! That's HUGE!! And until a deal is solidified, I won't say which one.
Until further notice, the book is not done, unfortunately.
But it's very close. It just needs a little bit more time and effort. Thank you all for the support, especially those new readers.
See you in the sunlight!!
UPDATE: The biggest additional scene has been completed! Now we're on the final lap to finishing!!