Hello World!
Hope you all had a great new year and that you've got great resolutions to make this year a fantastic one.
I honestly can't believe that its 2014 already. Crazy how fast time flies, no?
I remember when I first started the rough draft of this work, almost 2 full years ago. It's amazing how much different it is now. That being said, this is the year that it will be finished and hopefully be brought to the rest of the literary world.
So far, the page quota has been passed, but the word count is still too low, and the plot just got deeper, so I need to rewrite some parts of the book via readthrough. When I finish it, I'll put up the new and improved first two chapters- to see what you guys think.
I realize that a blog like this might not make it to "viral" status, so I'm not going to ask you guys to, I don't know, SPREAD THE WORD, SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW THAT HAS AN EMAIL, PLEASE MESSAGE ME WITH ANYTHING ABOUT THE STORY you know, to do stuff like that. It just doesn't seem fair of me to not only sound like a starving artist, but one that's also desperate for attention. It sounds too degrading.
Besides, my writing still needs a LOT of work, so the crazy thing is that this book might never be completely finished.
Yet there's a thrill to writing what's on my mind, to write down things I only had in my dreams, and I've experienced that over this span of time.
This story has been dreamed about for years, and I hope that you have liked it. Anyways, that was my little message to my fellow light seekers, so hang in there. Once the book is finished, I will post those improved chapters, and I'll keep you posted on how the book is doing, agent/publisher-wise. It's been pretty hectic around here, so I haven't been doing much writing/posting, but I'll definitely keep you guys in the know.
Hope you have a great week- I sure hope I do. As for now, I'd really like to give a shout out to my readers in:
United Kingdom,
United States,
and other places around the world that continue to read "Second Light". It really means a lot to me that you come back to read the story,send me reviews and add traffic to this blog. Thanks for sticking around and for coming with me on the ride!!